WiX Vs SquareSpace (2024) – 25 Savvy Comparison Points

In order to decide which ecommerce platform to use, WiX vs SquareSpace. A detailed comparison between features must be thoroughly done. If you want to decide which eCommerce platform to choose, there are many things to consider.

These are some examples of these factors:

  • Cost.
  • SEO friendliness.
  • Page load speed.
  • Canonical website URL.
  • Indexing Control.
  • Customizable HTML capabilities.
  • Sitemap Generator.
  • Integration with Google Analytics.
  • Product Tagging and Categorization.
  • Batch Uploading.
  • Mobile Optimization.
  • Built-in Blogging and Marketing Features.
  • Social Sharing Buttons.
  • Content Management Capabilities.
  • Discount and promotion code tools.
  • Easy to use Checkout.
  • Reporting tools and custom reports.
  • Integration of email marketing tools.
  • Multiple payment options.
  • Flexibility to add new eCommerce features.
  • Exclusive features.
  • Cons and pros.

Here we’ll discuss these factors to help you decide which platform is better for you, SquareSpace or WiX. And at the end of the discussion, we’ll recap and make a comparison for the scores of all these points to find out which eCommerce platform has the higher score, so that you’ll have a good view about both of them.

Pricing (WiX vs SquareSpace):

WiX vs SquareSpace Pricing /Cost – WiX vs SquareSpace vs WordPress


  • Free Plan: Wix offers a limited free plan that allows you to build a website but includes Wix ads and limited storage and bandwidth. You can’t connect a custom domain with the free plan.
  • Paid Plans: Wix offers several paid plans that range in price from $17 to $249 per month (billed annually):
    • Connect Domain ($17/month): Connects a custom domain, removes Wix ads, and offers increased storage and bandwidth.
    • Business Basic ($23/month): Adds features like a free SSL certificate, site booster for SEO, accepts online payments, and allows you to manage customer bookings or appointments.
    • Business Unlimited ($33/month): Increases storage and bandwidth, allows for video hours, and includes additional marketing and sales apps.
    • Business VIP ($57/month): Provides priority customer support and a dedicated account manager.
    • Enterprise ($249/month): Customized plans for large businesses with specific needs (contact Wix for details).


  • No Free Plan: Squarespace doesn’t offer a free plan.
  • Paid Plans: Squarespace offers several paid plans that range in price from $16 to $49 per month (billed annually):
    • Personal ($16/month): Connects a custom domain, removes Squarespace ads, offers basic SEO features, and allows you to sell unlimited products online (transaction fees apply).
    • Business ($26/month): Adds features like abandoned cart recovery, customer accounts, selling subscriptions, and point-of-sale integration.
    • Commerce ($40/month): Reduces transaction fees, offers advanced shipping options, and includes gift cards and product reviews.
    • Enterprise (Custom Pricing): Customized plans for large businesses with specific needs (contact Squarespace for details).

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

PlatformFree PlanPricing Range (per month, billed annually)Key Features at Each Tier
WixYes (limited)$17 – $249Connect domain, remove ads, increased storage, online payments, marketing & sales apps
SquarespaceNo$16 – $49Connect domain, remove ads, SEO features, sell online (fees apply), abandoned cart recovery, subscriptions, point-of-sale
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SEO Capabilities (WiX vs SquareSpace):

SEO Capabilities (WiX vs SquareSpace)
WIX vs SquareSpace for eCommerce – SEO Capabilities (WiX vs SquareSpace)


  • Basic SEO Tools: Wix offers basic built-in SEO tools for optimizing your website content. These include:
    • Meta Title and Description Management: You can edit the title tag and meta description for each page, which are crucial for search engine results.
    • Mobile Optimization: Wix websites are generally mobile-friendly, which is an important SEO factor.
    • 301 Redirects: You can set up redirects for old URLs to ensure proper crawling and indexing by search engines.
    • Image Alt Text: You can add alt text to your images, which can help with image search ranking.
  • Limited Customization: Wix offers some control over SEO elements, but you might have less flexibility compared to other platforms. For example, you might have limited control over URL structures or sitemaps.
  • Dependence on Wix SEO Wiz: Wix SEO Wiz is a tool that provides SEO recommendations, but it might not be as comprehensive as advanced SEO tools available on other platforms.


  • Similar Basic SEO Tools: Squarespace offers similar basic SEO tools as Wix, including:
    • Meta Title and Description Management
    • Mobile Optimization
    • 301 Redirects
    • Image Alt Text
  • Slightly More Control: Squarespace might offer slightly more control over some SEO elements compared to Wix. For instance, you might have more flexibility with URL slugs (the part of the URL after the domain name).
  • Integration with Third-Party SEO Tools: Squarespace allows you to integrate with third-party SEO tools like SEMrush, which can provide more in-depth SEO analysis and optimization. (Wix offers integrations as well, but the range of SEO-specific tools might be more limited.)

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

PlatformSEO Capabilities
WixBasic built-in tools, limited customization, reliance on Wix SEO Wiz
SquarespaceSimilar basic tools, slightly more control over some elements, integrates with third-party SEO tools

Page Load Speed (WiX vs SquareSpace):

Page Load Speed (WiX vs SquareSpace)
WiX vs SquareSpace for Portfolio – Page Load Speed (WiX vs SquareSpace)

General Observations:

  • Both Wix and Squarespace have made strides in improving page load speed in recent years.
  • There’s no definitive winner in terms of raw speed, and results can vary depending on the specific website, testing tools used, and current website traffic.

Factors Affecting Page Load Speed:

  • Website Complexity: Websites with many elements like images, videos, or complex layouts can take longer to load on both platforms.
  • Third-Party Integrations: Embedding elements from social media platforms or other services can add HTTP requests and slow down load times.
  • Server Location: The physical location of a website’s server can impact load speed for users in different regions. Both Wix and Squarespace have global server networks, but distance to the server can play a role.
  • Image Optimization: Large, unoptimized images are a major culprit for slow loading times. Proper image optimization is important on both platforms.

Here’s a breakdown of some resources for comparison:

  • Independent Tests: Several websites perform website speed tests. Searching for “[website speed test tool] Wix vs Squarespace” can provide results from various sources. Be sure to consider the date of the test and potential variations in methodology.
  • GTmetrix and Google PageSpeed Insights: These free tools from Google can analyze your website’s speed and offer suggestions for improvement. Running these tests on a Wix and Squarespace version of your website can provide valuable insights.

Here are some additional tips for optimizing page load speed on either platform:

  • Optimize Images: Use tools to compress image sizes without sacrificing quality.
  • Minimize HTTP Requests: Reduce the number of elements like scripts or stylesheets that need to be loaded.
  • Enable caching: Caching helps store website elements locally on visitors’ devices, speeding up subsequent visits.
  • Consider a Content Delivery Network (CDN): A CDN can deliver website content from servers geographically closer to users, improving load times.

Choosing the Right Platform:

  • Focus on Overall Optimization: While raw speed is important, focus on optimizing your website’s content, images, and third-party integrations to achieve the best results on either platform.
  • Test and Monitor: Use website speed testing tools to monitor your website’s performance and identify areas for improvement on whichever platform you choose.

Canonical Website URL (WiX vs SquareSpace):

Canonical Website URL (WiX vs SquareSpace)
WiX vs SquareSpace Review – Canonical Website URL (WiX vs SquareSpace)


  • Automatic Canonicalization: Wix generally adds a canonical tag to all your website pages by default. This points search engines to the preferred version of a URL in case there are variations (e.g., with or without www prefix, trailing slash variations).
  • Limited User Control: Wix doesn’t offer extensive user control over individual canonical tags. While automatic settings are helpful, there might be situations where you want to set custom canonical URLs for specific pages. This functionality might be limited on Wix.


  • Automatic Canonicalization: Squarespace also implements automatic canonicalization for your website pages.
  • Similar User Control: Squarespace, like Wix, offers limited user control over individual canonical tags. While the automatic settings should handle most cases, customization options might be restricted.

Important Note:

While both platforms handle canonical URLs automatically, it’s still good practice to monitor your website for potential issues. You can use tools like Google Search Console to check for any indexing errors related to duplicate content or incorrect canonicalization.

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Indexing Control (WiX vs SquareSpace):

Indexing Control (WiX vs SquareSpace)
WiX vs SquareSpace for Portfolio – Indexing Control (WiX vs SquareSpace)


  • Granular Indexing Control: Wix offers more granular control over which pages you want search engines to index.
    • Page Editor: From the Wix editor, you can disable search engine indexing for individual pages. This can be useful for pages like “Thank You” pages or internal drafts not meant for public search.
    • SEO Settings: Wix also allows you to control indexing for groups of pages or your entire website through the SEO settings dashboard.


  • Limited Indexing Control: Squarespace offers limited control over indexing compared to Wix.
    • Page-Level Control: Squarespace might have an option to hide individual pages from navigation menus, which can indirectly prevent search engine crawlers from finding those pages. However, there might not be a direct option to explicitly disallow indexing for specific pages.
    • Site-Level Control: Squarespace likely offers an option to prevent search engines from indexing your entire website, but controlling indexing for groups of pages might be limited.

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

PlatformIndexing Control
WixGranular control (pages, groups, entire site)
SquarespaceLimited control (pages indirectly, entire site)

Customizable HTML Capabilities (WiX vs SquareSpace):

Customizable HTML Capabilities (WiX vs SquareSpace)
WiX vs SquareSpace for Portfolio – Customizable HTML Capabilities (WiX vs SquareSpace)


  • Limited Direct HTML Editing: Wix doesn’t offer direct editing of the website’s HTML code. However, it provides some workarounds for customization:
    • Corvid by Wix: Wix Corvid is a development platform that allows developers to create custom functionality for Wix websites using JavaScript. This can involve embedding HTML code within the Corvid environment for specific elements.
    • Custom Code Apps: The Wix App Market offers some third-party apps that allow you to embed custom HTML code for specific purposes like adding widgets or forms.
  • Requires Coding Expertise: Utilizing Corvid or custom code apps effectively requires JavaScript coding knowledge and familiarity with the Wix development environment.


  • No Direct HTML Editing: Similar to Wix, Squarespace doesn’t offer a built-in way to directly edit the website’s HTML code.
  • More Limited Workarounds: Squarespace offers even fewer workarounds for HTML customization compared to Wix. There might be a limited selection of third-party apps that allow some HTML code injection, but overall options are scarce.

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

PlatformCustomizable HTML Capabilities
WixLimited (Corvid development, custom code apps, requires coding expertise)
SquarespaceVery Limited (potentially some third-party apps with limitations)
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Sitemap Generators (WiX vs SquareSpace):

Sitemap Generators (WiX vs SquareSpace)
WiX vs SquareSpace for eCommerce – Sitemap Generators (WiX vs SquareSpace)


  • Automatic Sitemap Generation: Wix automatically generates an XML sitemap that includes all the pages on your website. You can’t directly edit this sitemap, but Wix updates it automatically whenever you add or remove pages.
  • Access and Submission: You can access your Wix sitemap by adding “/sitemap.xml” to the end of your domain name (e.g., [invalid URL removed]). You can then submit this sitemap to search engines like Google Search Console to help them discover and index your website’s pages.


  • Automatic Sitemap Generation: Squarespace also generates an XML sitemap for your website automatically. Similar to Wix, you can’t directly edit it, but Squarespace keeps it updated with your website’s content.
  • Access and Submission: You can access your Squarespace sitemap by following the same method as Wix – adding “/sitemap.xml” to your domain name. You can then submit this sitemap to search engines for better indexing.

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

PlatformSitemap Generation
WixAutomatic, accessible at /sitemap.xml
SquarespaceAutomatic, accessible at /sitemap.xml

Why Automatic Sitemaps Are Beneficial?

  • Convenience: Having an automatic sitemap saves you the time and effort of manually creating or updating a sitemap file.
  • Accuracy: Since the sitemap is generated automatically, it’s less likely to contain errors or outdated information compared to a manual sitemap.

Integration With Google Analytics (WiX vs SquareSpace):

Integration With Google Analytics (WiX vs SquareSpace)
WiX vs SquareSpace for eCommerce – Integration With Google Analytics (WiX vs SquareSpace)


  • Integration Method: Wix allows you to connect your website to Google Analytics through their settings panel. You’ll need to have a Google Analytics account set up beforehand.
  • Ease of Integration: Wix’s integration process is generally straightforward. You can follow on-screen instructions to connect your website and obtain tracking code.
  • Data Tracking: Wix might have limitations on the specific data points you can track compared to directly installing Google Analytics code. However, it should capture essential metrics like page views, visitor demographics, and traffic sources.


  • Integration Method: Squarespace also offers integration with Google Analytics through its settings. Similar to Wix, you’ll need a separate Google Analytics account.
  • Ease of Integration: Squarespace’s integration process is comparable to Wix and should be easy to follow for most users.
  • Data Tracking: Squarespace’s integration might also have limitations on the data points tracked compared to directly installing the Google Analytics code. It should still capture core metrics for basic website analytics.

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

PlatformGoogle Analytics Integration
WixStraightforward setup through settings panel, potential limitations on tracked data
SquarespaceEasy setup through settings, potential limitations on tracked data
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Product Tagging and Categorization (WiX vs SquareSpace):

Product Tagging and Categorization (WiX vs SquareSpace)
WiX vs SquareSpace for Portfolio – Product Tagging and Categorization (WiX vs SquareSpace)


  • Product Tags: Wix allows you to assign tags to your products. These tags can be used for filtering and searching within your store. You can create custom tags or use predefined ones.
  • Product Categories: Wix also uses product categories to organize your products. Categories can have a hierarchical structure, allowing for subcategories. This helps with navigation and browsing for your customers.
  • Limited Customization: While Wix offers tagging and categorization, you might have some limitations in customization compared to other platforms. For example, the number of tag levels or category hierarchies might be restricted.


  • Product Tags: Squarespace offers similar product tagging functionalities to Wix. You can create custom tags to categorize your products and enable filtering and searching within your store.
  • Product Categories: Squarespace also uses product categories for organization. Similar to Wix, you can create a hierarchical structure with subcategories.
  • Potentially More Flexibility: Squarespace might offer slightly more flexibility in product tagging and categorization compared to Wix. This could include a higher number of allowed tag levels or more control over category layouts.

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

PlatformProduct TaggingProduct Categorization
WixTags for filtering and searching, limited customizationCategories with hierarchy, some limitations
SquarespaceTags for filtering and searching, potentially more flexibleCategories with hierarchy, potentially more control

Batch Uploading (WiX vs SquareSpace):

Batch Uploading (WiX vs SquareSpace)
WiX vs SquareSpace for eCommerce – Batch Uploading (WiX vs SquareSpace)


  • Limited Batch Uploads: Wix doesn’t offer a built-in feature for true batch uploads of products or other content.
  • Workarounds: There are a couple of workarounds to achieve some level of bulk product addition:
    • CSV Import (Limited): Wix allows importing a limited number of products from a CSV file. This process might have limitations on the data fields you can import and might require specific formatting for the CSV file.
    • Product Duplication: You can duplicate existing products and then edit the details for each new variation. This can be time-consuming for a large number of products.


  • Batch Uploads (Limited): Squarespace offers a limited batch upload option for products through a CSV file import.
  • Import Process: Similar to Wix, you’ll need to prepare your product data in a specific CSV format and then import it through the Squarespace interface. There might be limitations on the number of products you can upload at once or the data fields supported during import.
  • External Tools (Workaround): Some third-party apps in the Squarespace App Market might offer workarounds for more advanced batch uploads, but these tools might come with additional costs or limitations.

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

PlatformBatch Uploading
WixLimited (workarounds with CSV import & duplication)
SquarespaceLimited CSV import, potential workarounds with third-party apps
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Mobile Optimization (WiX vs SquareSpace):

Mobile Optimization (WiX vs SquareSpace)
WiX vs SquareSpace for eCommerce – Mobile Optimization (WiX vs SquareSpace)

Mobile-Friendly Design:

  • Automatic Optimization: Both Wix and Squarespace offer mobile-friendly templates and layouts that automatically adjust to different screen sizes. This ensures your website looks good and functions well on smartphones and tablets.
  • Responsive Design: The underlying design principles used by both platforms are likely responsive design, meaning the website elements adapt and rearrange themselves for optimal viewing on various devices.

Customizing the Mobile View:

  • Wix: Wix offers a mobile editor that allows you to customize the layout and appearance of your website specifically for mobile devices. You can drag and drop elements, adjust font sizes, and hide or show elements to optimize the mobile experience.
  • Squarespace: Squarespace might offer a slightly less customizable mobile editing experience compared to Wix. You might have some control over mobile layouts, but it could be less granular than Wix’s mobile editor.

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

PlatformMobile Optimization
WixAutomatic + Customizable mobile editor
SquarespaceAutomatic + Limited mobile editing options

Built-in Blogging & Marketing Features (WiX vs SquareSpace):

Built-in Blogging & Marketing Features (WiX vs SquareSpace)
WiX vs SquareSpace for eCommerce – Built-in Blogging & Marketing Features (WiX vs SquareSpace)

Blogging Features:

  • Ease of Use: Both Wix and Squarespace offer user-friendly interfaces for creating and managing blog posts. You can add text, images, and embed multimedia content.
  • Content Management: Both platforms allow you to schedule posts, categorize them, and manage comments.
  • Design Flexibility: Wix offers more design flexibility for blog layouts compared to Squarespace. You can customize the look and feel of your blog posts to match your website’s overall design. Squarespace tends to have more pre-designed templates but with less room for customization.
  • SEO Tools: Both Wix and Squarespace offer basic SEO tools for optimizing your blog posts for search engines. This might include title tag and meta description editing. Squarespace might have a slight edge here with the ability to integrate with third-party SEO tools.

Marketing Features:

  • Email Marketing: Both platforms offer built-in email marketing tools to create and send email campaigns to your subscribers. You can design email templates, manage subscriber lists, and track campaign performance. Wix offers an AI-powered email marketing tool that can help generate email content, while Squarespace might require more manual setup.
  • Social Media Integration: Both Wix and Squarespace allow you to integrate your website with social media platforms to share your content and connect with your audience.
  • Analytics: Both platforms offer basic website analytics to track traffic and user behavior. You can see which blog posts are performing well and gain insights into your audience. Wix might have some limitations on the depth of analytics data compared to Squarespace, which allows integration with Google Analytics.

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

PlatformBlogging FeaturesMarketing Features
WixMore design flexibility, basic SEO toolsBuilt-in email marketing with AI features, social media integration, basic analytics
SquarespacePre-designed templates, potentially better SEO with third-party tool integrationBuilt-in email marketing, social media integration, basic analytics with potential for Google Analytics integration
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Social Sharing Buttons Availability (WiX vs SquareSpace):

Social Sharing Buttons Availability (WiX vs SquareSpace)
WiX vs SquareSpace for Portfolio – Social Sharing Buttons Availability (WiX vs SquareSpace)


  • Built-in Sharing Buttons: Wix offers built-in social sharing buttons that you can add to your web pages. These buttons allow visitors to share your content on various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and more.
  • Customization Options: Wix allows you to customize the appearance and behavior of the sharing buttons to match your website’s design. You can choose which social media platforms to include and adjust the button style.
  • Additional Options: Wix also allows you to integrate third-party social sharing apps from the Wix App Market. These apps might offer additional features like social media follow buttons or more customization options.


  • Built-in Sharing Buttons: Similar to Wix, Squarespace provides built-in social sharing buttons that you can add to your website pages. These buttons allow visitors to share your content on various social media platforms.
  • Limited Customization: Squarespace might offer slightly less customization for the built-in sharing buttons compared to Wix. You might have some control over which platforms to include, but the design options might be more limited.
  • Third-Party Apps: Squarespace also allows integrating third-party social sharing apps. These apps can provide additional functionalities or more customization options for the sharing buttons.

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

PlatformSocial Sharing Buttons
WixBuilt-in buttons with customization options, ability to integrate third-party apps
SquarespaceBuilt-in buttons with limited customization options, ability to integrate third-party apps

Content Management Capabilities (WiX vs SquareSpace):

Content Management Capabilities (WiX vs SquareSpace)
Content Management Capabilities (WiX vs SquareSpace)

Ease of Use:

  • Wix: Wix’s editor is known for its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. This makes it easy for beginners to add and edit content without any coding knowledge.
  • Squarespace: Squarespace also offers a user-friendly interface, but it might require slightly more familiarization compared to Wix’s drag-and-drop approach.

Content Organization:

  • Wix Collections: Wix uses a system called “Collections” to organize your website content. You can create different collections for various content types like blog posts, products, or team members. Each collection can have customizable fields to store specific data points for each content item.
  • Squarespace Content Management: Squarespace offers a more traditional content management approach. You can create and edit individual pages and blog posts directly within the editor. While you can categorize content, the organization might be less flexible compared to Wix’s Collections.

Content Editing Features:

  • Wix: Wix offers a good range of editing features for text, images, and multimedia content. You can control layouts, add animations, and use various design elements within the editor. However, Wix might have some limitations on editing the website’s underlying code.
  • Squarespace: Squarespace focuses on pre-designed templates and layouts. While you can edit content within those templates, extensive customization of the website’s overall structure might be limited. Squarespace offers clean and stylish templates, but this can come at the expense of design flexibility.

Advanced Features:

  • Wix Corvid: Wix offers Corvid, a development platform that allows developers to create custom functionality for Wix websites using JavaScript. This can be helpful for advanced users who need features beyond Wix’s built-in capabilities.
  • Squarespace Integrations: Squarespace offers a wider range of third-party app integrations compared to Wix. You can find apps for various functionalities like forms, marketing automation, or specific industry needs. However, these integrations might require additional costs or have limitations.

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

PlatformEase of UseContent OrganizationEditing FeaturesAdvanced Features
WixDrag-and-drop, beginner-friendlyFlexible Collections systemGood range, limited code editingCorvid development platform
SquarespaceUser-friendly, requires some familiarizationTraditional page & post managementFocus on pre-designed templatesWider range of third-party app integrations
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Discounts & Promotion Codes Cababilities(WiX vs SquareSpace):

Discounts & Promotion Codes (WiX vs SquareSpace)
Discounts & Promotion Codes (WiX vs SquareSpace)

Actually, neither Wix nor Squarespace allows you to create custom discount codes for their plans. This means you can’t generate unique codes to offer specific discounts to different customers or campaigns.

Here’s a quick breakdown of their capabilities regarding discounts and promotions:


  • Frequent Promotions: Wix offers frequent promotions and discount codes throughout the year. These can be found on their website, through email marketing, or by online searches. Discounts can vary, ranging from a percentage off your first month or year to free website features for a limited time.
  • Student Discount: Wix offers a student discount for verified students. This discount can be significant, often reaching 50% off your first year.


  • Less Frequent Promotions: Squarespace offers promotions and discount codes less frequently compared to Wix. You might find them on their website or through email marketing, but they aren’t as readily available. Discounts can be similar to Wix, offering percentages off or free trials.
  • No Student Discount: Currently, Squarespace doesn’t offer a dedicated student discount program.

In essence:

  • Limited Control Over Promotions: Both Wix and Squarespace control the promotions they offer. You cannot create your own custom discount codes.

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

PlatformCreate Custom Discount CodesFrequent PromotionsStudent Discount
WixNoYesYes (up to 50% off)
SquarespaceNoLess frequentNo

Easy to Use Checkout (WiX vs SquareSpace):

Easy to Use Checkout (WiX vs SquareSpace)
Easy to Use Checkout (WiX vs SquareSpace)

Wix and Squarespace prioritize user-friendly checkout experiences, but there might be slight differences depending on your specific needs. Here’s a breakdown:

Ease of Use for Customers:

  • Streamlined Checkout Process: Both platforms offer streamlined checkout processes with clear navigation and minimal steps. Customers can enter their information, choose a payment method, and complete their purchase quickly.
  • Guest Checkout: Both Wix and Squarespace typically allow guest checkout, enabling customers to purchase without creating an account. This can be convenient for one-time purchases.
  • Mobile Optimization: The checkout process should be optimized for mobile devices on both platforms, ensuring a smooth experience for customers shopping on smartphones or tablets.

Customization for Businesses:

  • Wix: Wix offers a bit more flexibility in customizing the checkout experience. You can edit checkout form fields, add custom messages, and choose the layout to some extent.
  • Squarespace: Squarespace might offer slightly less customization for the checkout page itself compared to Wix. You can still manage basic elements like shipping options and taxes, but the overall design might be less customizable.

Payment Processing:

  • Multiple Payment Options: Both Wix and Squarespace integrate with popular payment processors like PayPal, Stripe, and credit card gateways. This allows customers to choose their preferred payment method.
  • Transaction Fees: Be sure to compare the transaction fees associated with each platform’s integrated payment processors. These fees can vary and might impact your profit margins.

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

PlatformEase of Use for CustomersCustomization for BusinessesPayment Processing
WixStreamlined checkout, guest checkout, mobile-friendlyMore customization options for checkout pageMultiple payment options, compare transaction fees
SquarespaceStreamlined checkout, guest checkout, mobile-friendlyLess customization for checkout page designMultiple payment options, compare transaction fees
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Reporting Tools and Custom Reports (WiX vs SquareSpace):

Reporting Tools and Custom Reports (WiX vs SquareSpace)
WiX vs SquareSpace for eCommerce – Reporting Tools and Custom Reports (WiX vs SquareSpace)

Wix Analytics:

  • Pre-built Reports: Wix offers a variety of pre-built reports on website traffic, sales, marketing campaigns, and more. These reports provide valuable insights into your website’s performance.
  • Customization Options: While Wix offers pre-built reports, its customization options might be limited. You can’t create highly customized reports from scratch using specific data points you choose.
  • Data Export: Wix allows you to export some reports for further analysis in other tools.

Squarespace Analytics:

  • Similar Pre-built Reports: Squarespace offers a set of pre-built reports similar to Wix, covering website traffic, sales, and other key metrics.
  • Potentially More Flexibility: Squarespace might offer slightly more flexibility compared to Wix for customizing pre-built reports. You might be able to filter data by specific criteria or adjust the timeframe for reports. However, true custom report creation from scratch might still be limited.
  • Data Export: Squarespace also allows you to export reports for further analysis in other platforms.

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

PlatformReporting ToolsCustom Reports
WixPre-built reports on traffic, sales, marketingLimited customization options
SquarespacePre-built reports on traffic, sales, etc.Potentially more flexible pre-built report customization

Integration of Email Marketing Tools (WiX vs SquareSpace):

Integration of Email Marketing Tools (WiX vs SquareSpace)
WiX vs SquareSpace for eCommerce – Integration of Email Marketing Tools (WiX vs SquareSpace)

Built-in Email Marketing:

  • Wix Email Marketing: Wix offers a built-in email marketing tool. This allows you to create email campaigns, manage subscribers, and track campaign performance directly within the Wix platform. Features include drag-and-drop email editing, pre-designed templates, and basic automation tools.
  • Squarespace Email Marketing: Squarespace also offers built-in email marketing tools. Similar to Wix, you can create email campaigns, manage subscribers, and track performance. However, Squarespace’s email marketing features might be slightly less comprehensive than Wix’s, potentially offering fewer automation options.

Third-Party Email Marketing Integration:

  • Wix App Market: Wix allows integration with various third-party email marketing tools through the Wix App Market. Popular options include Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and ActiveCampaign. This can provide access to more advanced features not available in Wix’s built-in tool.
  • Squarespace Extensions: Squarespace offers a limited selection of email marketing extensions compared to Wix. While some popular options like Mailchimp might be available, you might have fewer choices for integrating advanced third-party tools.

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

PlatformBuilt-in Email MarketingThird-Party Integration
WixBuilt-in tool with drag-and-drop editor, basic automationIntegrates with various tools through Wix App Market (e.g., Mailchimp, Constant Contact)
SquarespaceBuilt-in tool with potentially fewer featuresIntegrates with some third-party tools (e.g., Mailchimp) but might have fewer options than Wix
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Multiple Payment Options (WiX vs SquareSpace):

Multiple Payment Options (WiX vs SquareSpace)
SquareSpace vs WiX for eCommerce – Multiple Payment Options (WiX vs SquareSpace)

Supported Payment Processors:

  • Wix: Wix integrates with a wider range of popular payment processors compared to Squarespace. This includes:
    • Credit Card Gateways: Stripe, PayPal Here, Square, Authorize.net, 2Checkout, and more (availability might vary by region).
    • Digital Wallets: Apple Pay, Google Pay.
  • Squarespace: Squarespace offers integration with some popular payment processors, but the selection might be more limited compared to Wix. Here are some commonly supported options:
    • Credit Card Gateways: Stripe, PayPal.
    • Digital Wallets: Apple Pay (US only).

Transaction Fees:

  • Both Platforms: It’s important to compare the transaction fees associated with each payment processor offered by Wix and Squarespace. These fees can vary and can impact your profit margins.

Additional Considerations:

  • Regional Availability: The availability of specific payment processors might differ depending on your business location. Check each platform’s documentation for details on supported processors in your region.
  • Advanced Payment Features: Some payment processors offer advanced features like recurring billing or subscriptions. Explore the capabilities of each integrated processor to see if they meet your specific needs.

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

PlatformSupported Payment ProcessorsDigital Wallets
WixWider range of credit card gateways (Stripe, PayPal Here, Square, Authorize.net, 2Checkout, etc.)Apple Pay, Google Pay
SquarespaceStripe, PayPal (limited options)Apple Pay (US only)

Flexibility to Add New eCommerce Features (WiX vs SquareSpace):

Flexibility to Add New eCommerce Features (WiX vs SquareSpace)
Flexibility to Add New eCommerce Features (WiX vs SquareSpace)

Wix eCommerce App Market:

  • Extensive App Market: Wix offers a vibrant App Market with a vast selection of eCommerce apps. These apps allow you to extend the functionalities of your online store beyond Wix’s built-in features.
  • Feature Variety: You can find apps for various functionalities, including:
    • Marketing and Sales: Apps for abandoned cart recovery, product upsells, email marketing automation, discount codes, etc.
    • Inventory Management: Apps for advanced inventory tracking, product variants, low-stock alerts, etc.
    • Shipping and Fulfillment: Apps for integrating with shipping carriers, offering real-time shipping rates, and managing fulfillment workflows.
    • Payments: Integration with additional payment processors beyond those offered natively by Wix.
    • Design and Customization: Apps for adding custom product pages, product filtering, or loyalty programs.
  • Development Considerations: Some advanced apps might require coding knowledge or experience to integrate and customize effectively.

Squarespace Extensions:

  • Limited Selection: Squarespace offers a more limited selection of extensions compared to Wix’s App Market. While you can find some useful apps, the variety and depth of functionalities might be more restricted.
  • Focus on Basic Features: Squarespace extensions tend to focus on basic functionalities like adding product reviews, abandoned cart recovery, or social media selling.
  • Limited Customization: Squarespace extensions might offer less customization compared to some Wix apps.

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

PlatformAdding New eCommerce FeaturesFocus
WixExtensive App Market with a wide variety of appsMarketing & Sales, Inventory Management, Shipping & Fulfillment, Payments, Design & Customization
SquarespaceLimited selection of extensionsBasic functionalities like product reviews, abandoned cart recovery, social media selling
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Exclusive Features (WiX vs SquareSpace):

Exclusive Features (WiX vs SquareSpace)
WiX vs SquareSpace for eCommerce – Exclusive Features (WiX vs SquareSpace)

Wix Exclusive Features:

  • Corvid Development Platform: Wix offers Corvid, a development platform that allows experienced users or developers to create custom website functionalities using JavaScript. This grants extensive control over website behavior and data manipulation beyond Wix’s built-in features.
  • Advanced Design Features: Wix offers more design flexibility compared to Squarespace. You can use a drag-and-drop editor with advanced layout options, animations, and the ability to add custom code for design elements.
  • Wider Selection of Third-Party Apps: Wix’s App Market provides a broader range of third-party apps for various functionalities compared to Squarespace extensions. This allows for more specific integrations and customization options.

Squarespace Exclusive Features:

  • Member Areas: Squarespace allows you to create member areas on your website. This can be useful for gated content, online courses, or membership programs where you restrict access to specific website sections for paying members.
  • Built-in Scheduling: Squarespace offers a built-in scheduling tool called “Appointments.” This allows businesses to manage appointment bookings directly through their website.
  • Mobile App Builder: Squarespace allows you to create a basic mobile app for your website. This can be a convenient way for customers to access your website content on their smartphones. (Note: Functionality might be limited compared to dedicated mobile apps).

Choosing the Right Platform:

  • Choose Wix if: You need extensive design control, custom development capabilities using Corvid, or a wider range of third-party app integrations.
  • Choose Squarespace if: You require member areas for gated content or memberships, built-in appointment scheduling functionalities, or the ability to create a basic mobile app for your website.

Market Share (WiX vs SquareSpace):

Market Share available statistics and data (WiX vs SquareSpace)
Market Share available statistics and data (WiX vs SquareSpace)

There are various sources for market share data, and the reported figures can differ slightly depending on the methodology used. Here are some reputable sources you can explore:

  • W3Techs: W3Techs tracks website technologies used across the internet. According to their data (as of June 2024):
    • Wix: Used by 3.6% of all websites and 11% of websites using a Content Management System (CMS).
    • Squarespace: Used by 2.0% of all websites and 3.0% of websites using a CMS.
  • BuiltWith: BuiltWith focuses on analyzing technologies used by specific websites. According to their data:
  • Site Builder Report: This website aggregates data from various sources and provides website builder statistics. Here are some relevant points:
    • Wix: Captures the top spot with a 46% market share in the simple website builder category. It’s also considered the most popular website builder overall, although exact figures aren’t provided.
    • Squarespace: Doesn’t hold the top position overall, but it has a presence in the simple website builder category with a market share around 17%.
  • Wix: Holds a leading position in the simple website builder category with a market share of around 44%.
  • Squarespace: Follows Wix in the simple website builder category with a market share of around 16%.
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Cons Of (WiX vs SquareSpace):

Drawbacks / Downsides / Cons Of (WiX vs SquareSpace)
WiX vs SquareSpace for eCommerce – Drawbacks / Downsides / Cons Of (WiX vs SquareSpace)

Wix Cons:

  • Limited Design Flexibility After Choosing a Template: Once you select a template on Wix, it can be difficult to switch to a completely different design later. While there’s some room for customization within a template, you might be restricted if your needs evolve significantly.
  • Website Transfer Limitations: Wix doesn’t allow you to easily transfer your website to a different hosting provider if you outgrow the platform. This can be a hassle and require rebuilding your website if you decide to switch in the future.
  • Hidden Fees and Pricing Confusion: Wix’s pricing structure can be a bit complex, with additional fees for features like removing ads or increasing storage capacity. Be sure to carefully research all potential costs before committing to a plan.
  • Potentially Slower Loading Speeds: Some Wix websites have been reported to experience slower loading times compared to websites built on other platforms. This can negatively impact user experience and search engine ranking.
  • Limited SEO Features: Wix offers basic SEO tools, but they might not be as comprehensive as those offered by dedicated SEO plugins available on other platforms. Ranking well in search engines might require additional effort or third-party integrations.
  • Less Coding Freedom: While Wix offers Corvid for development, it requires coding knowledge. Squarespace might be a better option if you prefer a platform with minimal coding needs.

Squarespace Cons:

  • Less Design Customization Compared to Wix: Squarespace offers beautiful templates but might not provide the same level of granular design control as Wix’s drag-and-drop editor with advanced layout options.
  • Fewer Third-Party App Integrations: While Squarespace offers extensions, the selection is more limited compared to the vast App Market available on Wix. This can restrict your ability to add specific functionalities to your website.
  • Limited E-commerce Features: Squarespace’s built-in e-commerce features might be sufficient for basic online stores. However, for complex inventory management, advanced marketing automation, or integrations with specific shipping carriers, Wix’s App Market might offer more options.
  • Potentially Higher Costs for Larger Stores: Squarespace pricing plans can become more expensive for larger online stores with a high volume of transactions. Carefully compare pricing structures based on your anticipated sales volume.
  • Limited Customer Support Options: Squarespace primarily offers email support, and phone support might not be readily available depending on your location or plan.

Choosing Between Wix and Squarespace:

The best platform for you depends on your priorities. Here’s a quick summary:

  • Choose Wix if: You prioritize extensive design flexibility, a wider range of third-party app integrations, or the ability to add custom functionalities through development (with coding knowledge).
  • Choose Squarespace if: You prioritize a user-friendly interface with beautiful templates, basic built-in features for e-commerce and marketing, and don’t require extensive customization or coding.

Hidden Charges / Cost & Fees (WiX vs SquareSpace):

Hidden Charges / Cost & Fees (WiX vs SquareSpace)
WiX vs SquareSpace for eCommerce – Hidden Charges / Cost & Fees (WiX vs SquareSpace)


  • App Costs: Wix offers a free plan and paid plans with varying features. However, the Wix App Market offers numerous apps to extend functionalities. Many apps have free plans with limited features, but premium plans with advanced functionalities often come with additional costs. Factor these app costs into your budget when choosing features for your website.
  • Domain Name: Wix offers a free domain for the first year with some paid plans. However, after the first year, you’ll need to renew the domain name at the standard domain registration rate (usually around $10-$20 per year).
  • Storage and Bandwidth: Wix’s free plan comes with limited storage and bandwidth. If your website grows with content like images or videos, you might need to upgrade to a paid plan with more storage and bandwidth, incurring additional costs.
  • Transaction Fees: While Wix doesn’t charge additional transaction fees on top of payment processor fees, keep in mind that the payment processors themselves have their own fees associated with each transaction. Be sure to compare the fees of your chosen payment processor before setting up your online store.


  • Transaction Fees: Similar to Wix, Squarespace doesn’t charge additional transaction fees on top of payment processor fees. However, the payment processor fees still apply.
  • Domain Name: Squarespace offers a free domain for the first year with some paid plans. Renewal costs will apply after the first year, similar to Wix.
  • Website Migration: Squarespace doesn’t allow easy website transfer to other platforms if you decide to switch later. If you need to migrate your website in the future, you might incur costs associated with rebuilding it on a different platform.
  • Limited Free Trial: Squarespace offers a free trial, but it has limited functionalities. To truly test the platform’s capabilities for your needs, you might need to upgrade to a paid plan sooner than anticipated.

General Cost Considerations for Both Platforms:

  • Plan Upgrades: Both Wix and Squarespace offer different paid plans with varying features and storage capacities. As your website grows, you might need to upgrade to a higher plan, resulting in increased costs.
  • App Integrations: As mentioned, app integrations, especially premium plans in Wix’s App Market, can add ongoing costs depending on the functionalities you require.
  • Sales Tax: If you’re selling products online, you might need to factor in sales tax collection and remittance depending on your location and business structure.

Tips to Avoid Hidden Charges:

  • Read the Fine Print: Carefully review pricing plans, app costs, and domain renewal fees before committing to a platform.
  • Plan for Growth: Consider your website’s potential needs in the future when choosing a plan. Factor in anticipated storage requirements and potential app integrations to avoid needing to upgrade frequently.
  • Compare Payment Processors: Research the transaction fees associated with different payment processors before setting up your online store. Choose the most cost-effective option for your business.
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What are the Fortes of eCommerce Platform (WiX vs SquareSpace)?

WiX vs SquareSpace Pros and Fortes
WiX vs squareSpace for eCommerce – WiX vs SquareSpace Pros and Fortes


  • Extensive App Market: Wix offers a vibrant App Market with a vast selection of e-commerce apps. You can find apps for various needs, including:
    • Marketing and Sales: Enhance your online store with abandoned cart recovery, product upsells, email marketing automation, discount codes, etc.
    • Inventory Management: Gain advanced control over your inventory with apps for tracking stock levels, managing product variants, and receiving low-stock alerts.
    • Shipping and Fulfillment: Integrate with different shipping carriers, offer real-time shipping rates, and manage fulfillment workflows efficiently.
    • Payments: Connect with a wider range of payment processors beyond those offered natively by Wix, providing more flexibility for your customers.
    • Design and Customization: Enhance your store’s design with apps for adding custom product pages, product filtering, or loyalty programs.
  • Scalability: Wix’s app marketplace allows your online store to grow and adapt. As your needs evolve, you can find apps to address new challenges and functionalities.


  • User-Friendly Interface: Squarespace is known for its user-friendly interface, making it easy to set up and manage your online store, even with limited technical experience.
  • Built-in Features: Squarespace offers some built-in e-commerce features like product listings, inventory management, discount codes, and shipping options. This eliminates the need for initial app integrations for basic functionalities.
  • Inventory Management (for Basic Needs): Squarespace’s built-in inventory management tools might be sufficient for stores with a smaller product range.
  • Beautiful Design Templates: Squarespace offers a collection of beautiful and professionally designed templates, which can give your online store a polished appearance from the start.

Conclusion (Comparison Table for WiX vs SquareSpace):

As we can see from the detailed comparison between these two platforms (WiX vs SquareSpace) that the overall score for WiX is better than SquareSpace’s.

Note that the comparison was done with eCommerce and online business in mind.

I hope this could give you the required insight to choose which eCommerce Platform to use for your future projects!

Here is the full comparison, SquareSpace vs WiX Review in easy to comprehend bullet points:

eCommerce PlatformSquareSpaceWiX
SEO Friendliness8.58.4
Page Load Speed6.76.6
Canonical Website URL8.08.0
Indexing Control8.08.8
Customizable HTML capabilities7.07.2
Sitemap Generator8.08.0
Integration With Google Analytics8.08.1
Product Tagging & Categorization8.07.5
Batch Uploading7.06.5
Mobile Optimization7.18.0
Built-in Blogging & Marketing Features8.08.7
Social Sharing Buttons8.08.0
Content Management Capabilities6.07.8
Discount & Promo Code Tools7.08.1
Easy to Use Checkout7.07.2
Reporting Tools & Custom Reports9.08.5
Integration of Email Marketing Tools7.88.3
Multiple Payment Options7.78.3
Flexibility to Add New eCommerce Features7.48.5
Exclusive Features7.37.6
Market Share4.05.9
CONS & PROS7.58.0
Hidden Fees & Charges6.36.6
Overall Assessment (Average)7.47.8

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